Dear Listener,
Here is the direct download link for this week's story. You can right click on it and select "save link as" to download it to your hard drive or just click on it to open in your audio software. However, if you are enjoying the stories, then I recommend subscribing on
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Fleeing across the meadow ... |
I also thoroughly recommend the practice of writing letters that need never be sent. I sometimes write letters to myself in the future, and have also been known to address missives to my younger self, or to people who I miss because they are no longer in my life, or to general vague things that seem to embody what I am happy about or upset about at the time ... I find it therapeutic.
Dear Diary ...
Dear Me ...
Dear whoever you are that's holding me back ...
Dearest ...
That is how this story begins.
This one is a "fairy tale" ... well ... it does have fairies in it but it may not be "happily ever after" in the quite the same way as most fairy tales end. You will also hear about two letters, and two wars, and two sworn enemies, but most of all you'll hear about two handkerchiefs.
In the background on this episode you can hear the haunting sound of
Jami Sieber's cello - available (as always) from
Look out for an announcement about Stories from the Borders of sleep becoming weekly in the not-too-distant future.
Until next time ... sweet dreams!